The 8 Pillars of Wellness

The eight pillars of wellness model is a way of understanding holistic health. Often health is thought of merely as a lack of disease or illness. While, of course, this is an essential component of it, it is more. It is about thriving in all aspects of your life.

We are all unique. It is important to remember that no two people's wellness journeys will be the same. Health functions on a broad spectrum and many things can affect it. However, some common themes are essential for everyone to consider when they are looking to optimize their health.

We can use the eight pillars of wellness as a road map. With this map, we can create checks and balances to see what areas we are thriving in, what areas we might be struggling in, or that we might need more attention. They are by no means prescriptive; they are prompts for spheres to consider your sense of wellness in these areas.

Below we have a quick overview of each. If you want to learn more about any of the areas you can click through for a deeper dive, and see which of our partners or programs can help if it is an area you would like to explore further.


We all need something to give us a sense of purpose in life. There are many ways this can take shape: our careers, volunteering for a cause we are passionate about, caring for friends and family, creating art. The possibilities are infinite. However, sometimes we lose track of things that are giving us meaning or can pursue them in such a way that it is detrimental to our overall health. This pillar, at its core, is about finding balance.



Physical health is more than exercising (though, of course, movement is an essential component to it). Our bodies need many things to function correctly, such as proper sleep, good hygiene, injury avoidance and care, managing toxic load, maintaining structural integrity and quality building blocks through quality food.



Emotions can affect how we feel throughout the day. Emotional wellness tools can allow us to understand, process, and manage our feelings. These tools can help reduce the number of times that we feel we are on a wild emotional roller coaster and help us enjoy the ride.



Social wellness is about developing and maintaining healthy relationships. It also is about finding the appropriate tools to deal with any interpersonal conflicts appropriately. Humans are inherently social beings. Therefore it is vital to have the means to manage this effectively. Developing and maintaining relationships can be challenging and take a lot of time and energy, but it is well worth the effort.



Spiritual wellness is perhaps the most unique to each individual. While each person has a different definition of what spirituality means to them, there are two main dimensions to spiritual health. The first is religious, which pertains to a connection with God or a supreme power (a transcendent and holy existence). The other is existential, which relates to a human's relationship with themself, others and the nature, meaning and purpose in life.

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Intellectual wellness looks at tools and techniques to continuously engage our mind in learning and building on skills and knowledge. Our brains, as with most of our bodies, function with a 'use it or lose it' framework. Therefore, we must find ways to challenge ourselves to learn and grow.



Finances are a significant stressor in many people’s lives. Financial wellness is about living within your means and having a clear and realistic plan for the future. While it can seem scary, many resources can help you with simple steps to ensure enhanced financial stability in the future.



Environmental wellness is more than just being concerned about the climate crises (although, of course, that is an essential component). It is about maintaining a healthy reciprocal relationship between you and your surroundings. How do you support your setting so it can function at its best? And in return, how does your environment support your health, well-being, and safety? We all have a role to play in ensuring environmental wellness.