How Do We Define Partnership

Partnerships are incredible opportunities for individuals or organizations to come together, working towards common goals to achieve more than they would be able to on their own.

Below we have outlined what is involved in this particular partnership. There is no cost to become a partner. There is nothing to lose, and so much to gain!


What We Offer

  • A community of like-minded people

  • An increased opportunity for cross-referrals

  • A listing under our ‘Find Your Wellness Team’ page, and on the pages about your related pillars of health

  • An ability to list your special events on our events page

  • A mention in related content 

  • An opportunity to be on our podcast or be a guest blogger

  • A chance to offer talks, workshops and retreats

  • A partnership with Wild Rose United Church, which offers space rental at an affordable price

  • A variety of workshops on how to optimize your business and opportunities for peer learning

What You Bring

  • A business or service that aligns with at least one of the eight pillars of health and serves people in the Calgary area either in person or digitally

  • A passion for providing quality education and compassionate customer service 

  • A desire to help your clients build a holistic wellness team

  • An enthusiasm to share information about the hub with your clients

  • A willingness to working in an affirming community

  • An ability to provide everything you need to run your business and professional liability insurance

What Our Partnership Can Do

  • Cultivate a centre for learning about holistic wellness

  • Create a network where people can build their wellness team

  • Increase the impact of your work, through synergy with other practitioners

  • Become the ‘go-to’ place for building an integrative wellness team

  • Enhance community wellness

  • Change the world

 "One piece of log creates a small fire, adequate to warm you up, add just a few more pieces to blast an immense bonfire, large enough to warm up your entire circle of friends; needless to say that individuality counts but teamwork dynamites." – Jin Kwon

Would You Like To Join With In Changing The World


If you would like to partner with us, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to getting to know you better.